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About Me:


My name is Meredith Smith, I am a licensed Esthetician (Skincare Therapist) and Makeup Artist. I Graduated at The Esthetic Institute of Vienna, Va in 2013. Already in my 2+ years of being an Esthetician I have learned so much more and have grown an even larger passion for skin care and the beauty industry. I love what I do and it's my mission to help others be more confident and feel beautiful in their own skin, to teach them about proper skin care and makeup techniques to take home with them.  


My Passion for the beauty industry started at a young age. When I was about 13 going on 14 years old I started struggling with ruthless acne. First it just started on my forehead and I thought it was a seasonal thing, boy was I wrong. It slowly but surely spread to other regions of my complexion. It ruined me! I would cry myself to sleep wishing it would just be gone in the morning. Ladies and Gentlemen believe me when I say I know EXACTLY how you feel if you have ever had to fight the battle of acne.


I soon decided that wishes weren't going to work... (Sad face.) So I started my research! My "research" became much, much more than just trying to figure out how to banish my acne for good. I found YouTube videos on skincare and what worked for others, which I tried many... Like smearing toothpaste on your face? Yup, guilty. Ha-ha!  

I also found Makeup tutorials, so amazing. I was so obsessed with learning about Makeup, skin, hair, nails and health. I just couldn’t get enough of it! Hours would fly by while I was on my computer. 


One day when I was pondering what in the hell I should do with my life... My mother actually brought to light how I should find something to do in the beauty industry since I was always obsessed and it was my passion. I started Googling careers. I stumbled upon Esthetics or skincare therapy. I never even knew that existed. I had never had a facial in my 18 years of life. I found a school and went to get a tour and I received a complimentary facial from a student. It was fabulous! I knew immediately after that that is what I wanted to do with my life! So here I am now. I started working for Hand & Stone massage and facial spa. It's been a great place to start out and get some real world experience.


But now I am on to bigger and better things! That’s why I decided to become a entrepreneur and open my own facial spa. Dr. Betsy Bartlett the owner of Blissful Life Center in Winchester, VA aka my mother, has partnered with me so I can achieve my dreams. Thanks mom! Envious Complexions is partnered with Blissful Life Center and located inside.


  So enough about me, Call anytime to set up an appointment with me or email me with any questions!  540-722-2078


-Meredith xxoox

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